The effectiveness, acceptability and cost effectiveness of the 'BALatrine'
We will determine the impact and cost-effectiveness of the 'BALatrine'. The 'BALatrine' – developed by Dr Budi Laksono – is an ‘amphibious’ wet/dry latrine that uses simple, cheap local technology. It is a simple squat latrine, usually constructed by the villagers themselves, at the side of a house. It comprises a 2 metre pit (with optional bamboo/concrete pipe strengthening); a latrine plate with raised footsteps (which can be used during dry periods); and a flushable U-bend porcelain bowl that may be removed. All can be made from local materials.
Australian National University
- Associate Professor Darren Gray
- Professor Archie Clements
Griffith University
- Professor Don Stewart
- Dr Ross Sadler
QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
- Professor James McCarthy
Queensland University of Technology
- Dr Kate Halton
University of Queensland
- Dr Ricardo Soares Magalhaes
Yayasan Wahana Bakti Sejatera (YWBS) Foundation
- Dr Budi Laksono
University of Diponegoro
- Professor Hadisaputro Suharyo
Funding partners
- National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
- UBS Optimus Foundation, Switzerland