Metadata Repository - Western Pacific Region (WPRO)

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This ESMS/DESDE Metadata repository is provided by geographical region as defined by the World Health Organisation (WHO). 

The information has been aggregated from Open Access documents, published papers, and technical and policy reports. Whenever possible the ESMS/DESDE coding has been updated to the latest version of DESDE.


Other WHO regions and countries included in this repository:

European Region (EURO) Finland, Italy, Spain

African Region (AFRO) Ghana, South Africa, 

Region of the Americas (PAHO) Chile

South-East Asia Region (SEARO) Nil

Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMRO) Qatar

Western Pacific Region (WPRO)

Countries currently included from this region: Australia


AUSTRALIA (by state/territory)

AUSTRALIA - Australian Capital Territory


Year Completed (Published)

Field Team Target Population Output
ACT 2020 (2021) Mental Health Mental Health Policy Unit (ANU) All ages  
ACT 2016 (2018) Mental Health Mental Health Policy Unit (ANU) All ages

AUSTRALIA - New South Wales


Year Completed (Published)

FIELD Team Target Population Output
Far West NSW 2016 (?) Mental Health      
Sydney: Central and Eastern  2016 (2016) Mental Health Mental Health Policy Unit (ANU) All ages
Sydney: Northern 2017 (2017) Mental Health Mental Health Policy Unit (ANU) All ages
Sydney: South Western  2015  (2016) Mental Health Mental Health Policy Unit (ANU) All ages
Sydney: Western 2019 (2020) Mental Health Mental Health Policy Unit (ANU) All ages  
Sydney: Western  2016 (?) Mental Health Mental Health Policy Unit (ANU) All ages


Sydney: Western 2014 (?)      
Western NSW (Dubbo & Coonamble) 2017 (?) Mental Health ConNetica All ages


AUSTRALIA - Queensland


Year Completed (Published)

Field Team Target Population Output
Brisbane: North 2015 (2015?) Mental Health ConNetica All ages


AUSTRALIA - Victoria


Year Completed (Published)

Field Team Target Population Output
Melbourne: Eastern 2018 (?)

Mental Health

ConNetica All ages
Melbourne: South East ? (?)

Alcohol & Other Drugs


ConNetica All ages




AUSTRALIA - Western Australia


Year Completed (Published)

FIELD Team Target Population Output
Country WA ? (?) Mental Health ConNetica All ages
Kimberly 2019 (?) Mental Health Mental Health Policy Unit (ANU) All ages


Perth: Metropolitan ? (?) Mental Health ConNetica All ages  
Perth: North 2019 (?) Mental Health Mental Health Policy Unit (ANU)  
Perth: South ? (?)      




Updated:  8 April 2021/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer