Integrating care: organisational process, patient-centred outcome or both? Learning from first generation integrated primary health care centres

This project uses case studies in two award winning comprehensive primary health care centres with complex and vulnerable patient populations to systematically explore the formal and informal mechanisms that support integrated interdisciplinary practice for co-located primary care services.

The project views integration from two perspectives: as an organisational throughput or process and as a service or system outcome for the patient. In the former, integration refers to the clinical and administrative coordination undertaken by individuals and teams to deliver services in an 'integrated way': and can be described in terms of the processes which are enacted to achieve clinical goals, improve service access or system efficiency. In the latter, integration is perceived from the patient's standpoint and reflects on the connectivity, alignment and coherence of the lived experience of service utilisation. Mixed qualitative methods including physical mapping, social network analysis, oral histories and patient journeys are being utilised to describe both organisational (processes) and the patient (outcome) perspectives.