Prevalence and incidence of patient-initiated violence in Australian general practice

The Department of Health and Ageing engaged APHCRI to conduct a national study examining the incidence and prevalence of violence and aggression perpetrated by patients, patients’ family members or friends towards general practice staff in Australia. Associate Professor Rhian Parker, Dr Dagmar Ceramidas and Dr Laura Forrest have undertaken a comprehensive literature review, stakeholder consultations and a qualitative exploration of general practice staffs’ experiences of violence and aggression in their workplace. A national survey of general practices will determine the prevalence and incidence of violence and aggression. The final report was submitted to the Department of Health and Ageing in March 2010.

Related publications

  • Ceramidas, DM and Parker R. 2010. A response to patient-initiated aggression in general practice: Australian professional medical organisations face a challenge. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 2010, (16):252–259.
  • Forrest LE, Parker RM, Hegarty, K and Tuschke H. 2010. Patient initiated aggression and violence in Australian general practice. Australian Family Physician, 39(5): 323-326.
  • Herath PM, Forrest LE, McRae IS, Parker RM. Patient initiated aggression – prevalence and impact for general practice staff. 2011. Australian Family Physician 40(6): 415-420.
  • Forrest LE, Herath PM, McRae IS, Parker RM. A National Survey of General Practitioners’ Experiences of Patient Initiated Aggression in Australia. (2011) Medical Journal of Australia. 194(11):605-608.


  • Dr Dagmar Ceramidas
  • Dr Laura Forrest
  • Dr Pushpani Menaka Herath
  • A/Prof Rhian Parker

Updated:  21 September 2017/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer