A trial of new ways to encourage adolescent australians to avoid or reduce risk behaviours like smoking, drinking and drug use

Dr Lena Sanci, University of Melbourne, and her team conducted the first randomized trial in Australia testing whether screening and counselling young people for health risks in general practice provides health benefits and whether it has a beneficial economic value. The project also addresses the need for collaborative linkages between Practice Nurses and outside organisations, such as schools, community welfare agencies, justice specialist medical services and mental health services. Practice nurses can offer screening and counselling, and they provide an innovative linkage role communicating with outside organisations. This is a preferred model for health risk assessment as demonstrated in the United Kingdom, the United States and New Zealand. This large trial of a complex intervention is still in progress with nearly 30 of the 40 practices completing the study and over 760 young people interviewed. The results will help inform policy and practice in preventive primary health care for young people.

Updated:  21 September 2017/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer