Strengthening referral frameworks for survivors of gender-based violence (Papua New Guinea)

Identifying and collating data on violence against women and girls is increasing but evaluating the solutions to minimise gender-based violence (GBV) is lagging. The evaluation gap is more pronounced in low resource settings like Papua New Guinea (PNG).

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Professor Kamalini Lokuge

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Papua New Guinea (2012 - 14)

PNG has a gender-based violence epidemic: 41 per cent of men admit to committing rape and more than two thirds of women have suffered
physical or sexual violence. Tragically, very few survivors seek formal support.

In 2012, we evaluated a clinic for genderbased violence survivors. We found that, while immediate medical and psychosocial care are critical, the key for survivors is effective, accessible and coordinated services, linked to referrals, community-based support and advocacy.

With local staff, we created FemiliPNG, a crisis support service that works to understand clients’ problems and implement tailored solutions. Seven
years on, FemiliPNG is a highly regarded service and has helped more than 3,000 women.


Principal investigator


Support officer

PhD Candidate
Research Assistant