September report for Integration and Implementation Sciences

1 September 2020

Good News

Gabriele Bammer signed a contract with the company KnowledgeE to deliver a course “Interdisciplinary Research Excellence” online in Egypt from mid-September to early-December.

The Austrian Science Fund invited Gabriele Bammer to chair the jury for the Young Independent Researcher Groups (interdisciplinary research) grants for the third successive year.

Outreach and engagement

In August the i2Insights blog ( curated by Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane published blog posts on the interplay between evidence and policy (also reposted on ANU’s Public Policy and Societal Impact Hub, with a commentary by Sean Innes), co-labouring in transdisciplinary research, valuing diversity in interdisciplinary research, and the interdisciplinary role of research institutes in universities.

Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane produced the July/August i2S News (, which featured two stakeholder engagement tools, updates on repositories about design methods & systems & cybernetics, International Journal of Conflict Management, Resilience Engineering Association & 4th Annual Systems Modelling Conference. These have all recently been added as resources to the Integration and Implementation Sciences website (

Gabriele Bammer organised and co-facilitated the successful annual business meeting of the Network of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research Organisations (NITRO) – Oceania, followed by a seminar with Professor Klement Tockner, President of the Austrian Science Fund.

Other news

Gabriele Bammer taught a class on ‘Expertise for tackling complexity’ in the Vice-Chancellor’s course ‘unravelling complexity.’

Gabriele Bammer reviewed grants for the #ConnectingMinds (transdisciplinary research) program of the Austrian Science Fund.

Updated:  2 September 2020/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer