
The Centre enjoys a strong collegial leadership with a number of Committees supporting the Centre's Director.


The Centre is governed by a number of Committees whose primary role is to advise the Centre's Director on strategic and operational matters.

School's Committees Flowchart illustrating the School's Committees
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Gender Equity
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National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health Executive Committee

The NCEPH Executive Committee is the governing body of the Centre and it is composed of all the Centre's executive members. The Committee advises the Centre Director on the following matters:

  • the operations of NCEPH, including administration, space and infrastructure
  • management of the NCEPH's finances, including budget planning
  • implementation of, and compliance with ANU and relevant external policies and procedures
  • any other matter referred to it by the Centre Director
  • management of the NCEPH's human resources
  • may not discuss/advise on a matter relating soley to a particular person.

National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health Education Committee

The NCEPH Education Committee is the main Teaching and Learning (T&L) Committee for the Centre. It is responsible for setting the Centre's strategy for T&L developments, promoting T&L excellence, monitoring progress, developing proposals and providing advice to the NCEPH Executive Committee in relation to teaching programs, quality assurance, staffing and resources, and marketing.

National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health Research Committee

The NCEPH Research Committee advisea the Centre Director and the Centre Executive Committee on research strategic planning and mechanisms for fostering research excellence across the Centre.

National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health Gender Equity Committee

The NCEPH Gender Equity Committee develops and oversees the implementation of strategies and polices relating to gender equity within the Centre.

Other committees

  • National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health Student Committee
  • National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health Workplace Health & Safety Committee

Updated:  12 May 2022/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer