Centre for Mental Health Research re-opening celebration workshop

This event is celebrating the re-opening of the Henderson Conference Room and the renovation of the centre

The Centre for Mental Health Research is located in one of the buildings of the first Canberra Community Hospital (CCH), opened in 1914.

Our block at 63 Eggleston Road was completed in 1928 and was used as the isolation ward and the Canberra Nursery School. The CMHR originates from the "NHMRC Social Psychiatry Research Unit (SPRU)", which was sited at 3 Liversidge Street from January 1975 until 1998; being the first academic centre on community mental health research in Australia.


Workshop Program

10:00 - 10:15


Professor Jane Dahlstrom

Professor Luis Salvador-Carulla

10:15 - 10:45

Keynote Lecture

E/Prof. Scott Henderson " Common Mental Disorders and the Social Environment"

10:45 - 11:45

CMHR Presentation

A/Prof. Phil Batterham "E-Mental Health"

A/Prof. Alison Calear "Students' Health"

Dr Michelle Banfield "Lived Experience Research"

Dr Nasser Bagheri " The VIDEA Lab"

Dr Sebastian Rosenberg "The Executive Career Path"

11:45 - 12:00

Coffee Break

12:00 - 13:00

Dialogue Session

"From Mental Health Research to Policy and back; What should be our main priority?"

Dr. Peggy Brown AO (CEO, National Mental Health Commission)

Ms Lisa Gelbart (Senior Advisor, ACT Greens)

Ms. Amber Shuhyta (Director, Mental Health Policy Unit, ACT Health)

The Hon. Margaret Reid AO (Board Chair, AFFIRM)



you can find the presentations from the event here