September report for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Modelling

4 September 2018

Good News

Welcome to Rhiannon Wallace who is visiting on an Endeavour Fellowship for six months.   Rhiannon will be working on gastrointestinal outbreaks associated with fresh produce.


Andrea Parisi, Cushla Coffey, and Laura Ford attended the International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases in Atlanta. Andrea gave an oral presentation on the ‘Increasing incidence of invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella in Queensland, 2007-2016’ and Cushla and Laura each had 2 poster presentations.

Martyn Kirk attended two workshops in August; one DFAT workshop on the design of initiatives to improve workforce capacity building for health security in the Asia-Pacific region, and one DFAT workshop at the Sax Institute regarding new research grants announced on health security strengthening in the region. Martyn Kirk, Ross Andrews, Emma Field and Katherine Todd met Alden Henderson from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding field epidemiology training programs in Asia Pacific. Katherine Todd attended an Integrated Systems for Epidemic Response workshop on biosecurity concerns in the Pacific that was set around a deliberate release of smallpox.

Grants & consultancies

Kerri Viney is AIC on a successful NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in tuberculosis control on both sides of our border through the University of Sydney.


  • Lidbury BA (2018) Predicting liver disease post hepatitis virus infection: In silico pathology and pattern recognition EBioMedicine (in press).

Updated:  20 June 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer