May report for Integration and Implementation Sciences

1 May 2020

Outreach and engagement

In April the i2Insights blog (, curated by Gabriele Bammer and Peter Deane published blog posts about providing a richer assessment of research influence and impact (a PHXchange blog post), dealing with forced hostile collaborations, and collaboration ideas and resources.

Multiple other activities have also proceeded including providing advice to the Austrian Science Fund on a grants program for transdisciplinary research, preparation of workshops for the Belmont Forum, preparation for a business meeting and business case, as well as coffee chats, for the Network of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research Organisations in Oceania (NITRO-Oceania), preparation for a workshop on implementation science at ANU, preparation for a special interest group meeting at the online Science of Team Science international conference, preparation for advice on Future Earth Australia activities and various mentoring activities.

Papers accepted/published:

Bammer, G (2020) Providing a richer assessment of research influence and impact. Integration and Implementation Insights, April

Bammer, G (2020) ‘Knowing that and knowing how, Applying expertise to complex problems.’ LSE Impact blog. April
Reblogged from How can expertise in research integration and implementation help tackle complex problems? Integration and Implementation Insights, March

Progress on research projects

Good progress was made in developing Integration and Implementation Sciences (i2S) theory and the index for the Integration and Implementation Insights blog. Contributions were made to an international toolkits project and new discussions were held on the unknown unknowns project with Defence Science and Technology.

Updated:  3 July 2020/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer