Evaluation of the Way Back Support Service in the ACT

Beyond Blue Logo
31 May 2017

Assoc Prof Phil Batterham, with Dr Alison Calear and Dr Michelle Banfield will lead a study to develop monitoring systems to allow for the evaluation of The Way Back Support Service in the ACT. The study will develop a new tool to assess how the Service assists individuals in recovering from a crisis, and will involve consultations with consumers, researchers and clinicians.

The Way Back Support Service is an innovative suicide prevention service, developed to support people for the three months after they’ve attempted suicide, which is when they are most at risk. ACT Health and beyondblue are funding the implementation of the trial site in Canberra for two years (2016 to 2018).

Need urgent assistance?

  • Dial 000 or go to a hospital emergency department.
  • Crisis and Assessment Team (CATT) 1800 629 354
  • Mental Health Line (24 hours) 1800 011 511
  • Lifeline (24 hours) 13 11 14
  • Mens Helpline   1300 78 99 78
  • Suicide Call Back Service (24 hours) 1300 659 467

Updated:  21 September 2017/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer