Call for abstracts

Action Changes Things
20 February 2017

ACACIA: The ACT Consumer and Carer Mental Health Research Unit is co-hosting a research symposium with the Mental Health Community Coalition of the ACT. The symposium “Mental Health: Translating Research into New Practice” will be held on 5th April at the Australian National University, Canberra, ACT. We are currently calling for applications to present at the Symposium; presenting at the event will provide you the opportunity to share your knowledge, experience and expertise with like-minded professionals.

The theme of the Symposium is the translation of current mental health research into practice. Abstracts are sought from academics and other professionals on the following topics:

  • Mental health in marginalised populations,
  • Physical origins of mental illness,
  • Functional approaches to treatment, and
  • Translating mental health research into practice.

To be considered for the Program, please ensure your Abstract is submitted no later than COB on Friday 24th February 2017.

For more information about the topics or to submit your Abstract for review please email

Updated:  28 September 2017/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer