Dr Louise Mitchell

PhD(Paeds), M.HltStud(ClinEpi), B.Phty(Hons)- UQ. GCPA- Griffith
Research Fellow


Louise worked originally as a Physiotherapist working in Paediatrics and Intensive Care, before training as a Clinical Epidemiologist and completing a PhD in Paediatrics. Her thesis examined physical activity capacity and performance in children and adolescents with hemiplegic type Cerebral Palsy, and tested the effectiveness of a novel web-based treatment program using a randomised controlled trial design with over 100 participants.

Louise has worked in Government and Academic roles as both a Clinician Researcher and Practitioner and as an Epidemiologist. She has experience working as an Epidemiologist in the area of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health within the Government sector, leading the Queensland Health Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Burden of Disease and Injury study in 2017.

Updated:  2 June 2023/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer