Emily Colonna

PhD Candidate


Emily holds a Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in Anthropology from the Australian National University (ANU). She has experience in the not-for-profit and public sector and has been working with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Program in the National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health at the ANU for the past 2 years as a research officer across multiple projects.

Emily's PhD research will explore safety in the Family and Community Safety (FaCtS) for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples Study, using mixed methods. Emily will be supervised by Katherine Thurber.



Research interests

  • Family violence

  • Racism and discrimination

  • Qualitative methods

  • Mixed methods


  1. Colonna E, Maddox R, Cohen R, et al. Review of tobacco use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Australian Indigenous Health Bulletin 2020; 20(2).
  2. Guthrie, J, K A Thurber, R Lovett, M Gray, E Banks, A Olsen, B Calabria, N Priest, P Dance,  J Thandrayen, E Colonna, R Cohen, M-M Brinckley, S Wells, M Salmon, K Doery, N Movva, T Dunbar, V Hovane “‘The answers were there before white man come in’: stories of strength and resilience for responding to violence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities – Family and Community Safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Study Report.”

Updated:  7 December 2023/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer