Methods Hub

RSPH Methods Exchange


The Methods Hub brings together expertise from across the Centre and aims to build the capacity of researchers and students. It is a meeting place for sharing methods and expertise in data analysis. We undertake analysis of complex health data using quantitative and qualitative methods, as best suited to the research question. We adapt existing methods and formulate new methods as necessary, to enhance the design of studies and the analysis of data. We collaborate on projects across NCEPH and beyond, to ensure that the most appropriate methods are used to answer research questions of interest.

Our research expertise encompasses the following areas

  • Applied Statistical Methods in Epidemiology, including analysis of  large-scale linked data, multiple imputation and multilevel modelling
  • Mapping, spatial analysis, and data visualisation
  • Econometrics, in particular cost-benefit analyses
  • Mixed methods related to survey design and analysis
  • Qualitative methods including focus groups, text analysis and the lived experience of health.

Methods Hub biostatisticians are responsible for biostatistics teaching in the Master of Public Health coursework, as well as the Master of Applied Epidemiology. They also supervise research at Honours, Masters, and PhD level.

We welcome engagement from "friends" of the Hub - those from other ANU areas and Government Departments. To subscribe to the mailing list, email





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Updated:  17 January 2024/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer