ESMS/DESDE Mapping and Atlases around the World

Map of countries using ESMS

Use of ESMS/DESDE mapping and atlases around the World


Western Pacific (WPRO)


Fernandez A, Smith-Merry J, Gillespie J, Feng X, Astell-Burt T, Maas C, Salvador-Carulla L. The Integrated Mental Health Atlas of Western Sydney Local Health District: Gaps and Recommendations. Aust Health Rev. 2017 Mar;41(1):38-44. doi: 10.1071/AH15154

Furst MA, Salinas-Perez JA, Salvador-Carulla L. Organisational impact of the National Disability Insurance Scheme transition on mental health care providers:the experience in the Australian Capital Territory. Australas Psychiatry. 2018 Dec;26(6):590-594. doi: 10.1177/1039856218810151

Spijker BA van, Salinas-Perez JA, Mendoza J, Bell T, Bagheri N, Furst MA, Reynolds J, Rock D, Harvey A, Rosen A, Salvador-Carulla L. Service availability and capacity in rural mental health in Australia: Analysing gaps using an Integrated Mental Health Atlas. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 2019 Oct;53(10):1000-1012. doi: 10.1177/0004867419857809


European Region (EURO)


Cetrano G, Salvador-Carulla L, Tedeschi F, Rabbi L, Gutiérrez-Colosía MR, Gonzalez-Caballero JL, Park AL, McDaid D, Sfetcu R, Kalseth J, Kalseth B, Hope Ø, Brunn M, Chevreul K, Straßmayr C, Hagmair G, Wahlbeck K, Amaddeo F; REFINEMENT group. The balance of adult mental health care: provision of core health versus other types of care in eight European countries. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2018 Jan 25;16(3). pii: E332. doi: 10.1017/S2045796018000574

Gutiérrez-Colosía MR, Salvador-Carulla L, Salinas-Pérez JA, García-Alonso CR, Cid J, Salazzari D, Montagni I, Tedeschi F, Cetrano G, Chevreul K, Kalseth J, Hagmair G, Straßmay C, Park AL, Sfectu R, Ala-Nikkola T, González-Caballero JL, Rabbi L, Kalseth B, Amaddeo F; REFINEMENT Group. Standard comparison of local mental health care systems in eight European countries. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci.  2019, Apr;28(2):210-223. doi: 10.1017/S2045796017000415

Sadeniemi M, Almeda N, Salinas-Pérez JA, Gutiérrez-Colosía MR, García-Alonso C, Ala-Nikkola T, Joffe G, Pirkola S, Wahlbeck K, Cid J, Salvador-Carulla L. A Comparison of Mental Health Care Systems in Northern and Southern Europe: A Service Mapping Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2018 May 31;15(6). pii: E1133. doi:10.3390/ijerph15061133



Fernandez A, Salinas-Perez JA, Gutierrez-Colosia MR, Prat-Pubill B, Serrano-Blanco A, Molina C, Jorda E, Garcia-Alonso CR, Salvador-Carulla L. Use of an integrated Atlas of Mental Health Care for evidence informed policy in Catalonia (Spain). Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci. 2015;24(6):512-24.  doi: 10.1017/S2045796014000511

Sabes-Figuera R, Knapp M, Bendeck M, Mompart-Penina A, Salvador-Carulla L. The local burden of emotional disorders. An analysis based on a large health survey in Catalonia (Spain). Gac Sanit. 2012;26(1):24-9. doi: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2011.05.019

Salvador-Carulla L, Haro JM, Cabasés J, Madoz V, Sacristán JA, Vázquez-Barquero JL. Service utilization and costs of first-onset schizophrenia in two widely differing health service areas in North-East Spain. PSICOST Group. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 1999;100(5):335-343. doi 10.1111/j.1600-0447.1999.tb10876.x



Tibaldi G, Munizza C, Pasian S, Johnson S, Salvador-Carulla L, Zucchi S, et al. Indicators predicting use of mental health services in Piedmont, Italy. J Ment Health Policy Econ. 2005, 8(2):95-106. PMID: 15998981 

Salvador-Carulla L, Tibaldi G, Johnson S, Scala E, Romero C, Munizza C. Patterns of mental health service utilisation in Italy and Spain--an investigation using the European Service Mapping Schedule. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2005;40(2):149-159. doi: 10.1007/s00127-005-0860-y


Region of the Americas (PAHO)


Salinas-Perez JA, Salvador-Carulla L, Saldivia S, Grandon P, Minoletti A, Romero Lopez-Alberca C. Integrated mapping of local mental health systems in Central Chile. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2018;42:e144.

Updated:  8 April 2021/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer