The Real Price of Health: Experiences of Out-of-Pocket Costs in Australia
This study will explore the challenges people experience in managing the affordability of certain health services or medicines.
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Despite Australia having a universal health insurance scheme, out-of-pocket (OOP) costs for healthcare and medicines remain relatively high. Individual Australians are the third largest contributor to healthcare financing in Australia behind federal, state and territory governments. Much of this spending is directed at general practice care, specialist outpatient services, pharmaceuticals, diagnostic imaging, pathology and allied health services. This has the potential to create barriers to access at the frontlines of the health system, where the greatest gains from prevention and early intervention can be sourced.
- Elucidate how OOP costs of healthcare and medicines are experienced by people with chronic illnesses on low, middle, and high incomes.
- Identify the priorities and preferences of people with chronic illnesses on low, middle and high incomes in relation to managing the OOP costs of healthcare and medicines.
- Examine and describe the process of consumer engagement in chronic disease research and develop resources to support collaboration between researchers and people living with chronic disease.
Current survey
We are currently conducting a survey exploring people with chronic conditions’ experiences of the out-of-pocket costs of health care and medicines.
If you are interested in taking part in this survey, please follow this
link to the survey and participant information
If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Associate Professor Jane Desborough at
Project team

Principle Investigator | Associate Researchers |
Associate Professor Jane Desborough | Dr Danielle Butler |
Professor Rosemary Korda | |
Other Team Members | Ms Hse Di (Sadie) Law |
Ms Kamania Butler (Lived experience expert) | Dr Anne Parkinson |
Dr Vanessa Fanning (Lived experience expert) | Ms Shelley Wang |
Ms Fiona Hodson (Chronic Pain Australia) | |
Dr Elisabeth Huynh (Health economist) | |
Ms Samar Ibrahim (Cultural Advisor) | |
Ms Jillian Kingsford Smith (Research Officer) | |
Ms Julie Veitch (Lived experience expert) | |
Ms Leanne Watts (Lived experience expert) | |
Ms Mingming Zhou (PhD candidate) |
- Professor Michael Kidd (Director, International Centre for Future Health Systems, University of NSW, Professor of Global Primary Care and Future Health Systems, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford)
- Dr Elizabeth Deveny (CEO, Consumers Health Forum Australia)
- Mr Charles Maskell-Knight (health policy expert)
- Ms Sandie McGavin (lived experience expert)
- Ms Nadia Owuor (Health Care Consumer Association, ACT)