List of publications, reports and presentations

Peer Reviewed Publications

(2023) Fitzpatrick SJ, Gallagher K, Banfield M, Gulliver A, Calear AL, Conroy S, & Batterham PJ. At arm's length: A qualitative study of suicide prevention barriers among those experienced with suicide loss. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health.

(2023) Krysinska K, Ross A, Ozols I, Andriessen K, Banfield M, Edwards B, Hawgood J, Kolves K, McGrath M, Ross V & Pirkis J. Active involvement of people with lived experience of suicide in suicide research: a Delphi consensus study. BMC Psychiatry.

(2023) Fitzpatrick SJ, Lamb H, Stewart E, Gulliver A, Morse AR, Giugni M, Banfield M. Co‐ideation and co‐design in co‐creation research: Reflections from the ‘Co‐Creating Safe Spaces project’. Health Expectations.

(2023) Gulliver A, Morse AR & Banfield M. Cancer Survivors’ experiences of navigating the Australian Health Care system for physical and mental health care needs. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

(2023) Farrer L, Batterham P, Gulliver A, Morse AR, Calear A, McCallum S, Banfield M, Shou Y, Newman E & Dawel A. The factors associated with telehealth use and avoidance during the COVID-19 pandemic: Longitudinal survey. Journal of Medical Internet Research.

(2022) Banfield M, Fitzpatrick SJ, Lamb H, Giugni M, Calear AL, Stewart E, Pavloudis M, Ellen L, Sargent G, Skeat H, Edwards B, Miller B, Stride Safe Space Team, Gulliver A, Ellis LA, Bliokas V, Goj P, Lee M, Stewart K, Webb G, Main M, Lumby C, Wells K, McKay C, Batterham PJ, Morse AR, Shand F. Co-creating safe spaces: Study protocol for translational research on innovative alternatives to the emergency department for people experiencing emotional distress and/or suicidal crisis.  PLOS ONE.

(2022) Gulliver A, Morse AR & Banfield M. Keeping the agenda current: Evolution of Australian Lived Experience mental health research priorities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

(2022) Coles A, Maksyutynska K, Knezevic D, Agarwal M, Strudwick G, Dunbar J, Druss B, Selby P, Hahn M, Castle D, Banfield M. Peer‐facilitated interventions for improving the physical health of people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: systematic review and meta‐analysis. MJA.

(2022) Shou Y, Smithson M, Gulliver A, Murray K, Banfield M, Rodney Harris RM, McCallum S, Farrer LM, Calear A & Batterham P. Risk tolerance and changes in coronavirus disease (COVID) related health behaviors: A longitudinal study. Health Psychology.

(2022) Parker E & Banfield M. Consumer perspectives on anxiety management in Australian general practice. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

(2022) Banfield M, Shou Y, Morse AR, Gulliver A, Calear AL, McCallum SM, Farrer L, Dawel A & Batterham PJ. Awareness and perceived helpfulness of mental health peer workers in a representative sample of the Australian public. Psychiatry Research Communications.

(2022) Hancock N, Berry B, Banfield M, Pike-Rowney G, Scanlan JN & Norris S. Peer worker supported transition from hospital to home - outcomes for service users. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

(2022) Calear AL, McCallum S, Morse AR, Banfield M, Gulliver A, Cherbuin N, Farrer LM, Murray K, Rodney Harris RM & Batterham PJ. Psychosocial impacts of home-schooling on parents and caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Public Health.

(2022) Banfield M, Gulliver A & Morse AR. Virtual World Café method for identifying mental health research priorities: Methodological case study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

(2022) Morse AR, Banfield M, Batterham PJ, Gulliver A, McCallum S, Cherbuin N, Farrer LM & Calear AL. What could we do differently next time? Australian parents’ experiences of the short-term and long-term impacts of home schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Public Health.

(2022) Batterham PJ, Shou Y, Farrer LM, Murray K, Morse AR, Gulliver A, Slade T, Newton NC & Calear AL. Patterns and predictors of alcohol use during the early stages of the COVID‐19 pandemic in Australia: Longitudinal cohort study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research.

(2022) Batterham PJ, Calear AL, Shou Y, Farrer LM, Gulliver A, McCallum SM & Dawel A. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal ideation in a representative Australian population sample–Longitudinal cohort study. Journal of Affective Disorders.

(2021) McCallum S, Calear AL, Cherbuin N, Farrer LM, Gulliver A, Shou Y, Dawel A & Batterham PJ. Associations of loneliness, belongingness and health behaviors with psychological distress and wellbeing during COVID-19.  Journal of Affective Disorders.

(2021) Dawel A, Shou Y, Gulliver A, Cherbuin N, Banfield M, Murray K, Calear AL, Morse AR, Farrer LM & Smithson M. Cause or symptom? A longitudinal test of bidirectional relationships between emotion regulation strategies and mental health symptoms. Emotion. 

(2021) Parker E, Banfield M, Fassnacht D, Hatfield T & Kyrios M. Contemporary treatment of anxiety in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis of outcomes in countries with universal healthcare.  BMC Family Practice.

(2021) Gulliver A, Pike G, Banfield M, Morse AR, Katruss N, Valerius H, Pescud M, McMaster M & West S. The Music Engagement Program for people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia: Pilot feasibility trial outcomes. Evaluation and Program Planning.

(2021) Batterham PJ, Calear AL, McCallum SM, Morse AR, Banfield M, Farrer LM, Gulliver A, Cherbuin N, Rodney Harris RM, Shou Y & Dawel A. Trajectories of depression and anxiety symptoms during the COVID‐19 pandemic in a representative Australian adult cohort. MJA .

(2020) Hamilton D, Hancock N, Scanlan J & Banfield M.  The National Disability Insurance Scheme and people with severe and persistent mental illness/psychosocial disability: A review, analysis and synthesis of published literature. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 

(2020) Gulliver A, Banfield M, Batterham PJ, Calear AL, Farrer LM, Dawel A, McCallum S, Murray K & Morse AR. Effects of previous exposure to psychotherapeutic strategies on depression and anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic. BJPsych Open.

(2020) Batterham PJ, Poyser P, Gulliver A, Banfield M & Calear AL. Development and psychometric properties of the Functioning and Recovery Scale: a new measure to assess psychosocial functioning after a suicide attempt.  Suicide & Life-Threatening Behavior

(2020) Dawel A, Shou Y, Smithson M, Cherbuin N, Banfield M, Calear AL, Farrer LM, Gray D, Gulliver A, Housen T, McCallum SM, Morse AR, Newman E, Murray K, Rodney Harris RM & Batterham PJ. The effect of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing in a representative sample of Australian adults. Frontiers in Psychiatry.

(2020) Banfield M, Morse AR & Gulliver A. Contextual influences on the impact of a peer worker-led self-stigma program for people with mental health issues: Protocol for an interventional implementation science study. Implementation Science Communications.

(2019) Morse AR, Forbes O, Jones B, Gulliver A & Banfield M. Whose story is it? Mental health consumer and carer views on carer participation in research. Health Expectations.

(2019) Banfield M, Farrer L & Harrison C. Management or missed opportunity? Mental health care planning in Australian general practice. Australian Journal of Primary Health.

(2019) Gulliver, A., Pike, G., Banfield, M., Morse, A.R., Katruss, N., Pescud, M., McMaster, M., Valerius, H. & West, S. Evaluation of the Music Engagement Program for people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia: Study protocol for a pilot trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications.

(2019) Gulliver A., Banfield M., Morse A.R., Reynolds J., Miller S., Galati C. A Peer-Led Electronic Mental Health Recovery App in a Community-Based Public Mental Health Service: Pilot Trial. JMIR Formative Research.

(2019) Morse, A. R., Forbes, O., Jones, B. A., Gulliver, A., & Banfield, M. Australian Mental Health Consumer and Carer Perspectives on Ethics in Adult Mental Health Research. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics.

(2018) Banfield, M., Morse, A., Gulliver, A.,Griffiths, K. Mental health research priorities in Australia: a consumer and carer agenda. Health Research Policy and Systems.

(2018) Banfield, M., Randall, R., O’Brien, M., Hope, S., Gulliver, A., Forbes, O., Morse, A.R., Griffiths, K. Lived experience researchers partnering with consumers and carers to improve mental health research: Reflections from an Australian initiative. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing.

(2018) Gulliver, A., Morse, A.R., Wilson, N., Sargent, G., Banfield, M. An evaluation of a tailored care program for complex and persistent mental health problems: Partners in Recovery program. Evaluation and Program Planning.

(2018) Banfield, M., Forbes, O. Health and social care coordination for severe and persistent mental illness in Australia: a mixed methods evaluation of experiences with the Partners in Recovery Program. International Journal of Mental Health Systems.

(2017) Gulliver, A., Banfield, M., Reynolds, J., Miller, S., Galati, C., Morse, A.R. A Peer-Led Electronic Mental Health Recovery App in an Adult Mental Health Service: Study Protocol for a Pilot Trial. JMIR Research Protocols.


(2022) Gallagher K, Fitzpatrick SJ, Banfield M, Gulliver A, Calear AL, Conroy S & Batterham PJ. Experiences of families, carers and community members impacted by suicide in the ACT. Centre for Mental Health Research and Relationships Australia Canberra & Region: Canberra.

(2022) Morse AR, Smith D & Banfield M. My Mind My Voice Evaluation: final report. Centre for Mental Health Research: Canberra.

(2022) Banfield M & Trias A. Independent review to support effective lived experience partnership and leadership. Recommendations for the NSW Consumer-Led Research Network. Centre for Mental Health Research: Canberra.

(2021) Hancock N, Scanlan J, Banfield M, Berry B, Pike-Rowney G, Salisbury A & Norris S. Independent evaluation of NSW Peer Supported Transfer of Care initiative (Peer-STOC):  Final report (PDF, 5.3MB). The University of Sydney & Australian National University: Australia.

(2021) Morse A & Banfield M. Evaluation of MIEACT Programs: Final report. Centre for Mental Health Research: Canberra.

(2019) Banfield, M & Cole, M. Finding the Path: Service access and navigation for serious mental illness in Australia. Recommendations from a Thought Leaders’ Forum (PDF, 481KB). Centre for Mental Health Research: Canberra.

(2017) Gulliver, A. & Banfield, M. Stay Strong Peer Worker Evaluation: Summary Report. (pp. 1-24). The Australian National University: Canberra.

(2016) Banfield, M & Wilson, N. ACT Partners in Recovery Evaluation: Final report. Centre for Mental Health Research: Canberra.

(2015) Banfield, M. & Gosling, J. ACT Partners in Recovery Evaluation Stage 1: Interim report. National Institute for Mental Health Research: Canberra.

(2015) Banfield, M. & Griffiths, K. Priorities for mental health research in the ACT: ACT consumer and carer mental health research forum final report (PDF, 2.6MB). National Institute for Mental Health Research: Canberra.

(2014) Banfield, M. & Griffiths, K. ACT Partners in Recovery Evaluation Framework (PDF, 620KB). National Institute for Mental Health Research: Canberra.

Invited Keynote presentations

(2022) Banfield M. Lived Experience research at ANU. Invited keynote for ACT Mental Health Consumer Network AGM, November 2022.

(2022) Banfield M. National Mental Health Month Keynote Address. Invited keynote for ACT launch of Mental Health Month for Mental Health Foundation of Australia, Canberra, October 2022. 

(2022) Banfield M. Not just another consultation: Research co-production in practice. Invited panel workshop presentation for the Child & Adolescent Mental Health Conference, Gold Coast, March 2022.

(2021) Gulliver A & Morse A. Carers making an impact: The value of carers in mental health research. Keynote presentation delivered at the ‘Caring Together’, a conference for carers and family members of people living with mental ill health, Carers ACT, Canberra, Australia, 18 February, 2022.

(2021) Banfield M. Mental health research priority-setting: Adventures in developing and ranking ideas. Invited presentation for the National Allied Health Conference, August 2021.

(2021) Banfield M. Lived experience research at ANU. Invited keynote for Canberra Health Annual Research Meeting Conference, July 2021.

(2021) Banfield M & Palmer V. Two cities, multiple worlds: the bridges between lived experience-led and (lived)-experience based co-design models in mental health research and translation. Invited presentation for University of Melbourne Department of General Practice Research Matters seminar. 

(2020) Banfield M. Breakout session: Lived experience research. Invited workshop for the National Mental Health Research Strategy Workshop, March 2020 .

(2019) Banfield M. Peer work panel event. Invited panellist for the Mental Health Community Coalition ACT Mental Health Month Event, Canberra, October 2019

(2019) Banfield M. Engagement in mental health research: a brief tour. Invited presentation for the NHMRC Council, Canberra, October 2019 

(2019) Banfield M. Integrating consumers into service design and developing best practice. Invited panellist for the National Symposium on comorbid mental and physical health conditions, Canberra, October 2019.

(2019) Banfield M. Involving people in research: a two-way street. Invited presentation at the NHMRC BEAT-CKD Forum, University of Sydney, August 2019.

(2016) Banfield M. From island in the stream to bridge over troubled waters: Evolution of a lived experience role in Australian mental health research. Invited Keynote presentation at the 6th Service Users in Academia Symposium, Canberra, November 2016.

(2016) Banfield M. ACACIA: The ACT Consumer and Carer Mental Health Research Unit. Invited presentation at the international Meeting for Minds Synergies Forum, Fremantle, Western Australia, May 2016.

Conference presentations (peer-reviewed)

(2022) Banfield M, Gulliver A, Morse AR, Rose G, Berry B, Palmer V & Dettman E. The grain in the silos: Showcasing models of lived experience involvement in mental health services and suicide prevention research. Symposium at the Society for Mental Health Research Conference, Hobart, March 2022

(2022) Banfield M, Shand F, Calear AL, Batterham PJ, Lamb H, McMillan B, Lumby C, Sargent G, Skeat H, Gulliver A, Morse A, Ellis L & Vliokas V. Co-creating safe spaces: A lived experience-led partnership to evaluate safe spaces in Australia. Oral presentation as part of symposium: The grain in the silos: Showcasing models of lived experience involvement in mental health services and suicide prevention research at Society for Mental Health Research conference, Hobart, Australia, 24-26 March, 2022. 

(2022) Morse AR, Lovegrove D, Gulliver A & Banfield M, Understanding Participation: A co-designed exploration of the value and impact of lived experience voices in services and policy. Oral presentation as part of symposium: The grain in the silos: Showcasing models of lived experience involvement in mental health services and suicide prevention research at Society for Mental Health Research conference, Hobart, Australia, 24-26 March, 2022. 

(2022) Gulliver A, Banfield M & Morse AR. Identifying lived experience priorities for mental health research: A continuous goal. Oral presentation as part of symposium: The grain in the silos: Showcasing models of lived experience involvement in mental health services and suicide prevention research at Society for Mental Health Research conference, Hobart, Australia, 24-26 March, 2022. 

(2022) Morse AR, Mills M, Prowse H & Banfield M. Mental Health and Me Evaluation: Promoting help seeking and addressing stigma with lived experience stories. Society for Mental Health Research Conference, Hobart, Australia, 24-26 March 2022. 

(2022) Dawel A, Shou Y, Gulliver A, Cherbuin N, Banfield M, Murray K, Calear AL, Morse AR, Farrer LM, & Smithson M. Longitudinal evidence for a bidirectional relationship between expressive suppression and mental health during COVID-19 lockdown, with no relationship for cognitive reappraisal. Poster presented at Society for Affective Sciences, virtual meeting, March 30 – April 2 2022. 

(2021) Morse AR, Mills M, Prowse H & Banfield M. Mental Health and Me Evaluation: Promoting help seeking and addressing stigma with lived experience stories. The Mental Health Services Conference, Virtual, 12-15 October 2021. 

(2020) Morse AR, Lovegrove D, Gulliver A & Banfield M. Understanding Participation: Measuring the value and impact of consumer and carer voices in services and policy. Society for Mental Health Research 2020 Virtual Conference, 6-9 October 2020. 

(2019) Gulliver A, Pike G, Banfield M, Morse AR, Katruss N, Valerius H & West S. The Music Engagement Program: Exploring the effects of a specialised music intervention for improving depression in people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Poster presented at the Society for Mental Health Research conference, Melbourne, Australia, 27-29 November, 2019.

(2019) Gulliver A, Pike G, Banfield M, Morse AR, Katruss N, Valerius H & West S. Delivery and evaluation of the Music Engagement Program for people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The Mental Health Services Conference, Brisbane, 28-30 August, 2019.

(2019) Gulliver A, Pike G, Banfield M, Morse AR, Katruss N, Pescud M, McMaster M, Valerius H & West S. Impact of the Music Engagement Program on depression for people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia: Study protocol for a pilot trial. E-poster presented at The Mental Health Services Conference, Brisbane, 28-30 August, 2019.

(2019) Gulliver A, Pike G, Banfield M, Morse AR, Katruss N, Pescud M, McMaster M, Valerius H & West S. Delivery and evaluation of the Music Engagement Program for people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. E-poster presented at the Canberra Health Annual Research Meeting (CHARM), Canberra, 30 July-2 August, 2019.

(2019) Morse, AR, Lovegrove, D, Gulliver, A, Banfield, M. Understanding Participation: Measuring the value and impact of consumer and carer voices in services and policy. The Mental Health Services Conference, Brisbane, 28-30 August, 2019.

(2019) Banfield M., Gulliver A., & Morse A.R. Collaboration with consumers, carers and other stakeholders: Lessons for mental health policy, services and research. Paper presented at the Public Involvement in Health Research Symposium, Sydney, February 2019.

(2018) Morse AR, Forbes O, Jones BA, Gulliver A, Banfield M. Whose story is it? Mental health consumer and carer perspectives on ethical mental health research. Oral presentation at the SMHR conference, Noosa, November 2018.

(2018) Banfield, M., Morse A.R., & Gulliver, A. Collaboration with consumers, carers and other stakeholders: Lessons for mental health policy, services and research.  Symposium at Society for Mental Health Research Conference, Noosa, Australia, 28-30 November 2018.

(2018) Banfield M, Harrison C, Farrer L, Rosenberg S. Finding the Path: Recommendations for improving service access and navigation for people with serious mental illness.  Oral presentation at the SMHR conference, Noosa, November 2018.

(2018) Banfield M, Gulliver A, Morse AR, Forbes O,Wilson N, Gosling J, Sargent G. Evaluation of the Partners in Recovery program: outcomes and experience of consumers and providers for a tailored health and social care program. Oral presentation at the SMHR conference, Noosa, November 2018.

(2018) Morse, A.R., Forbes, O., Jones, B.A., Gulliver, A. & Banfield, M. Whose story is it? Mental health consumer and carer perspectives on ethics in research. Oral presentation at The Mental Health Services Conference, Adelaide, 29-31 August, 2018.

(2017) Gulliver A., Morse, A.R., Forbes, O., Wilson, N., Gosling, J., Sargent, G., Banfield, M. Evaluation of the Partners in Recovery program: a tailored care program for complex and persistent mental health problems. Oral poster presentation presented at 10th Health Services & Policy Research Conference, Surfers Paradise, 1-3 November, 2017.

(2017) Gulliver, A., Banfield, M., Reynolds, J., Miller, S., Galati, C., Morse, A.R. The delivery of a peer-led e-mental health recovery application in an adult mental health service. Poster presented at Society for Mental Health Research conference, Canberra, Australia, 6-8 December, 2017.

(2017) Banfield, M., Gulliver, A., Morse, A.R. & Forbes, O. Lived experience in the lead: Consumer and carer priorities for mental health services research. Oral presentation at Society for Mental Health Research conference, Canberra, Australia, 6-8 December, 2017.

(2016) Forbes O. Whose story is it? Mental health consumer and carer perspectives on ethics in research. Paper presented at the RSPH Student Conference, Canberra, October 2016.

(2015) Jones B, Banfield M & Griffiths K. ACACIA: The ACT Consumer and Carer Mental Health Research Unit, Research Update. Presentation to the ACT Health Research Forum, Canberra, December 2015.

(2015) Jones B, Banfield M & Griffiths K. Mental health consumer and carer perspectives on ethical research. Poster presented at the Society for Mental Health Research Conference, Brisbane, December 2015.

(2015) Banfield M, Jones B & Griffiths K. Partners in research: methods for high quality collaborative mental health research. Workshop presented at The Mental Health Services Conference, Canberra, August 2015.

(2015) Banfield M  & Griffiths K. Evaluation of the ACT Partners in Recovery Program Paper presented at The Mental Health Services Conference, Canberra, August 2015.

(2014) Banfield M, Griffiths K & Tierney A. Partners in research: methods for high quality collaborative mental health research. Workshop presented at the Mental Health Community Coalition ACT Conference, Canberra, June 2014.

(2013)Banfield M, Ning L, Randall R. Completing the picture: consumer & carer perspectives. Symposium at the Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research, Melbourne, December 2013.

(2013) Banfield M, Griffiths K & Tierney A. ACACIA: The ACT Consumer and Carer Mental Health Research Unit. Improving mental health services through consumer and carer involvement in research and evaluation. Paper presented at the 8th Health Services & Policy Research Conference, Wellington, December 2013.

Education and community presentations

(2023) Berry B & Banfield M. Conducting qualitative analysis. Short course delivered for the ACACIA Internship Program, Canberra, June 2023. 

(2023) Berry B. Conducting qualitative interviews. Short course delivered for the ACACIA Internship Program, Canberra, April 2023. 

(2023) Banfield M & Berry B. An introduction to research ethics and integrity. Short course delivered for the ACACIA Internship Program, Canberra, April 2023. 

(2023) Banfield M. Lived experience perspectives in mental health: From rhetoric to reality. Short course delivered for the ACACIA Internship Program, Canberra, April 2023. 

(2023) Berry B. Introduction to research methodologies. Short course delivered for the ACACIA Internship Program, Canberra, April 2023 

(2022) Banfield M. Involving people in applied research: A flexible framework. Workshop session for the ALIVE i-LEARN Virtual Studio, Module 1, December 2022.

(2022) Banfield M. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Consumer perspectives in mental health: From rhetoric to reality. 

(2022) Banfield M. Embedding experiential knowledge within the mental health research implementation and translation ecosystem. Workshop facilitated at the ALIVE Annual Symposium, Hobart, March 2022 

(2021) Mackay H, Cruwys T, Gulliver A, Beagley L, & Markus A. ANU75: World Mental Health Day. Panel discussion invited speaker, October 8, 2021, online. 

(2021) Banfield M. Seeing the person: Approaching mental health stigma in the workplace. Invited presentation for Austrade, September 2021 

(2020) Banfield M. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Consumer perspectives in mental health: From rhetoric to reality. 

(2020) Morse AR. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Ethical considerations in mental health research

(2020) Gulliver A. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Treatments for depression and anxiety.

(2020) Gulliver A. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: e-mental health.

(2020) Morse AR. Respectful risk management: Ethics and mental health research. Research Ethics Seminars, ANU

(2020) Gulliver, A. Experiences surrounding the suicide of a family member in the ACT: Interview Workshop. Zoom. August 2020.

(2019) Banfield M. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Consumer perspectives in mental health: From rhetoric to reality. 

(2019) Morse AR. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Ethical considerations in mental health research. 

(2019) Gulliver A. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Treatments for depression and anxiety.

(2019) Gulliver A. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: e-mental health.

(2019) Banfield M, Gulliver A & Morse A. Partners in Research. ACT Recovery College short course, May 2019.

(2019) Pike G, Gulliver A & McConnell B. Collision of science and music. Public lecture, Australian National University, May 2019.

(2019) Gulliver A. and Banfield M. ACACIA: The ACT Consumer and Carer Mental Health Research Unit. Part 2 Presentation as part of RSPH Impact and Engagement seminar series, February 2019.

(2019) Morse, A.R. ACACIA: The ACT Consumer and Carer Mental Health Research Unit. Presentation for Mental Health Carers Policy Group at Carers ACT, February 2019.

(2018) Banfield, M. Lived Experience Research Unit. Presentation at workshop: The Quest of Community Mental Health in Australia: From the origins of social psychiatry to data analytics informed policy. Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU.

(2018) Banfield M. From island in the stream to bridge over troubled water. Invited Mental Health Week Presentation to the Dept of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Barton, October 2018.

(2018) Banfield M. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Consumer perspectives in mental health: From rhetoric to reality.

(2018) Gulliver A. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Treatments for depression and anxiety.

(2018) Gulliver A. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: e-mental health.

(2018) Gulliver A, Farrer LM. E-Mental Health. Finkel Lecture Theatre, September 2018.

(2018) Gulliver A. ACACIA: The ACT Consumer and Carer Mental Health Research Unit. Presentation as part of RSPH Impact and Engagement seminar series, Research School of Population Health, August 2018.

(2018) Banfield M, Gulliver A & Morse AR.The Lived Experience Research Unit, Presentation to Research School of Population Health, July 2018 .

(2017) Gulliver, A., Morse, A.M. ACACIA: The ACT Consumer and Carer Mental Health Research Unit. Invited presentation for the 3rd Lived Experience Showcase, ACT Legislative Assembly, Canberra, ACT, 17th October, 2017.

(2017) Gulliver A. The Peer worker project. Centre for Mental Health Research, August 2017.

(2017) Banfield M. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Consumer perspectives in mental health: From rhetoric to reality.

(2017) Morse A. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Ethical considerations in mental health research.

(2017) Gulliver A. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Treatments for depression and anxiety.

(2017) Gulliver A. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: e-mental health.

(2016) Rose D. & Banfield M. User-led and collaborative research: beginnings, development and where we are going now. Masterclass hosted by ACACIA, November 2016.

(2016) Banfield M. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Consumer perspectives in mental health: From rhetoric to reality.

(2016) Morse A. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Ethical considerations in mental health research.

(2016) Randall R & Banfield M. ACACIA: The ACT Consumer and Carer Mental Health Research Unit. Presentation at the Quarterly Forum of the Mental Health Community Coalition of the ACT, ACT Mental Health Consumer Network, Carers ACT and Mental Health, Justice Health, Alcohol and Drug Services, May 2016.

(2015) Banfield M. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Consumer perspectives in mental health: From rhetoric to reality.

(2014) Banfield M. Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Consumer perspectives in mental health: From rhetoric to reality.

(2013) Banfield M. Finding “the consumer voice.” Invited keynote presentation at the ACT Mental Health Consumer Network Annual General Meeting, November 2013.

(2013) Banfield M.  Specialist lecture for POPM8001: Research, Treatment, Policy: Current Issues in Mental Health, Centre for Mental Health Research, ANU. Lecture title: Consumer perspectives in mental health: From rhetoric to reality.