Policy and Practice Forum on the Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP)

Policy and Practice Forum Policy and Practice Forum Policy and Practice Forum Policy and Practice Forum Policy and Practice Forum Policy and Practice Forum

The Linked Data for Better Health group, led by Associate Professor Rosemary Korda, hosted a half day Policy and Practice Forum on the topic of using Multi-Agency Data Integration Project (MADIP) data to answer policy relevant questions on health in Australia.

The forum was incredibly well received. Many attendees commented that it was exciting to attend an in-person event with fantastic presentations and high quality research, and that the forum was an outstanding example of the benefits of ongoing research-policy partnerships.

This sell out event was attended by 130 people, including representatives from ACT Government and Commonwealth government departments, including Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Department of Health, Department of Defence, Department of Education, Skills and Employment and the National Indigenous Australians Agency.

The program and presentation slides from the forum are available for download.

The MADIP is a national data asset combining administrative and survey data on health, education, government payments, income and taxation, employment, and population demographics over time, with the potential to revolutionise evidence on health and health care in Australia. The forum was designed to showcase research using MADIP data to improve health and health care in Australia.

The forum was held on Wednesday 10 February at the National Portrait Gallery and was conducted under the ANU’s Linked Data for Better Health program of work, which is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council partnership grant (#1134707) Whole-of-Population Linked Data: Strengthening the Evidence to Drive Improvement in Health and Healthcare in Australia, led by Associate Professor Rosemary Korda.

Updated:  2 March 2021/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer