New partnership to power better health for Australians

19 December 2019

A new agreement between The Australian National University (ANU) and the Australian Government's Department of Health will better connect policymakers with leading expertise, teaching and research.

Under the agreement, ANU and the Department will undertake joint projects; provide education, training and skills development; offer internships, secondments and joint appointments; and share knowledge.

The agreement has been formalised in a Memorandum of Understanding signed today by ANU Provost Professor Mike Calford and Secretary of the Department of Health, Ms Glenys Beauchamp PSM.

Professor Calford said ANU was dedicated to improving society and public policy, and this new agreement was another clear example of this commitment.

"For decades ANU has served the nation as an exceptional training ground for our nation's policymakers," he said.

"This new agreement will continue that fine tradition and important mission. It will help train those who are shaping the policies that shape the health of our nation, and equip them with the skills, knowledge and expertise to deliver better outcomes for all Australians.

"I thank our colleagues across ANU, our new partners in the Department of Health and Secretary Beauchamp for this opportunity and for their commitment to turn this vision into reality."

Department of Health Secretary, Glenys Beauchamp said: "This new MoU will strengthen the relationship the Department of Health has with the research community and ensure researchers and policymakers work closer together to deliver better health outcomes for millions of Australians."

The new MoU has been driven by the Dean of the ANU College of Health and Medicine, Professor Russell Gruen.

He said the new agreement will build heavily on the University's substantial investment in health research, teaching and expertise.

"But more importantly, this is also an investment in the health of Australia and Australians," he said.

"It will help embed the breadth and depth of ANU expertise, research and teaching across all fields of health within the Department.

"And it will make sure ANU researchers and experts work closely with health policymakers -learning from their experiences and observations from the frontline of health policy-making and delivery."

Updated:  20 December 2019/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer