Dr Jinhu Li

Dr Jinhu Li
Senior Research Fellow
Ph.D - Economics (McMaster University), M.A - Economics (University of Victoria), B.A - Economics (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

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Jinhu is a Senior Research Fellow in the ​Department of Health Economics Wellbeing and Society, and the National Centre for Health Workforce Studies at the Australian National University. Previously she worked as a Senior Lecturer at Deakin University and a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Melbourne. ​From 2017 to 2023 she was an Australian Research Council (ARC) awarded Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) fellow. She obtained her PhD in economics from McMaster University in Canada. 



Research interests

My research fields of interest are health economics, economics of education, family economics, and development economics. My areas of research include social determinants of health and human capital, the economics of the health workforce, and modelling individuals's preferences for health care and policies using Discrete Choice Experiments. 

​I am currently working on projects investigating the causal effect of parental education on offspring health, cognitive and non-cognitive abilities, the effects of early-life shocks and public investments on later-life health and human capital outcomes, and the effects of incentives and market structure in the health care markets on the behaviours of healthcare providers.


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