About the study

What are the aims of the survey?

1. To determine whether exposure to bushfire smoke-related air pollution:

  1. is associated with clinical symptoms when separated from direct fire exposure
  2. influences activities of daily living (e.g. exercise, outdoor exposure, other activities of daily living)

2. To assess the current psychological state of the ACT and surrounding population

3. To understand how people receive information about bushfire smoke- related air pollution

4. To understand what actions were taken by the community to reduce exposure to bushfire smoke- related air pollution and what factors influence this

5. To understand how these vary by demographic, health strata and location of residence.

What does participation involve?

Participation in this study will involve completing an online survey about your health and behaviours during the recent period of bushfire smoke in the ACT. We will also ask you some questions about your age and medical history so we can determine who in the community may need extra support during these types of events in the future.

This survey is expected to take about 20-25 minutes to complete. 

If you have trouble completing the survey online, you can contact the study team (see contacts below) and someone will help you to complete it over the phone.

Will my information be safe?

We maintain strict confidentiality regarding all information obtained from you. Data will be stored on a password-protected server at the ANU and participants will be identified with an ID number, not names or other details. No individuals will be identified in the publication or presnetation of results from this study.

Which Ethics Committee has approved this research?

The ethical aspects of this research have been approved by the ANU Human Research Ethics Committee (Protocol 2020/029). If you have any concerns or complaints about how this research has been conducted, please contact: Ethics Manager, The ANU Human Research Ethics Committee, The Australian National University, Telephone: +61 2 6125 3427, Email: Human.Ethics.Officer@anu.edu.au.

How is this project funded?

This project has been funded by the Australian National University College of Health and Medicine. Participation in this study will not cost you anything, and participants will not be paid for their involvement.

Who are the researchers?

This study is being conducted by researchers at the Australian National University (ANU). The Primary Investigators are Dr Rachael Rodney Harris from the Research School of Population Health, Professor Iain Walker from the Research School of Psychology, and Dr Ashwin Swaminathan from the ANU Medical School. If you have queries or questions about this research you can contact the study team via email: (bushfiresurvey@anu.edu.au) or phone (+612 6125 6150).

The survey has now closed, but you can read the participant information sheet .

Updated:  16 June 2020/Responsible Officer:  Director/Page Contact:  Executive Support Officer